My Favorite Store: Primark

Image result for primarkPrimark is the best store for practically anything, other than food of course, its no target. But its the absolute best store to buy anything from home goods to clothes. If you're a fan of Disney or Harry Potter this is the best place to buy any and all of your merchandise. And the best part costs practically nothing! At least when you're in Europe. (There are a few stores in America but its still expensive...shipping costs and stuff). So to provide a little background; Primark is a retail clothing store from Ireland (there they call it Pennys). They have ridiculously cheap products. Every time I go to Germany I go to Primark and just spend all of my money. In this blog I'm going to be mentioning euros a lot so just know that one dollar is about 1.12 euros. When I went to Germany I spent about 150 euros which sounds like a lot but I got

3 HUGE bags and two little ones full of stuff for it,
Scented Candy Floss Candle
 (Honey Dukes Collection)
so it was a great deal. I can make a Primark haul post if you guys are
interested. They have incredibly high quality products for almost nothing. I got this really cool chalk board planner for about 7 euros so around $10. So if you ever go to Europe and want to get...well basically anything, go to Primark. When I went to Germany last summer I enlisted the help of my grandparents to help me buy all the Harry Potter stuff that my heart desired. My grandparents didn't really understand why that was what I wanted to spend my money on but they still wanted to help. Pretty much right away my grandpa gave up on trying to keep up with us girls and took a seat in the shoe section. My grandma was really helpful especially with finding the right clothes sizes and styles. If there's one thing a German grandma is good at its judging others. Which is both a negative and a positive. She helps me buy clothes that look and fit well but at the same time kind of makes me feel bad about myself. Its a delicate balance but either way my grandma is great and I really appreciated her help. Once my cart (one of those fun, small, pully ones) was completely full, we found my grandpa, who still hadn't gotten bored of watching people try on shoes, and went to the cash register. At this point I was really worried that I had gone way over my budged. I estimated that it would be around 250 euros but when it was all rung up it turned out to be only 150. Anyways my point is that everyone was really amused when I was so shocked about the price. Everything is just more reasonably priced in Germany. So next time you go to Europe or to one of the locations in the United States be sure to 
check out Primark. They have new series of products every few months. EX: they had a lion king line with pillows, blankets, mugs, candles, décor, etc. and of course they always have Harry Potter stuff. They also have plenty of clothes for guys, makeup, bathroom products and they have more practical stuff like sheets and dishes, so this store is really for everyone. 


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