My Favorite Butterbeer Recipe

Small Serving of 
        If you have ever delved into the world of Harry potter recipes then you know that there are probably 50 different Butterbeer recipes out there. And let me tell you I have tried them all. Honestly most of them are pretty underwhelming. But I have finally perfected my Butterbeer to whipped cream ratio and I am proud to say that I'm finally ready to share my recipe with the world. 
      There are two parts to this recipe. there's the "beer" part and the "butter" part which isn't actually butter. Now just a few notes: this is a non-alcoholic recipe, this is a cold recipe, and this recipe is either a hit or miss with most people. This recipe can be way to sweet for some people but for people like myself who have a serious sweet-tooth this is a perfect summer drink. So lets get started.


  • 2 liters Vanilla Flavored Root beer - I recommend A&W cream soda
  • 2 tbsp. butter extract
  • 2 tsp. rum extract-for "beer"
  • 7 oz. marshmallow cream
  • 1 cup whipping cream
  • 1 tsp. rum extract-for topping


  • Pour the rum and butter extract into the root beer/ soda bottle. gently shake or roll the bottle to mix the extracts into the drink. Make sure not to go crazy and shake the bottle too hard or else when you open it...well you know what will happen. Refrigerate until you're ready to serve.
  • To make the whipped marshmallow cream combine the whipping cream, marshmallow cream, and one teaspoon rum extract in a bowl. Then with an electric mixer whisk ingredients on high power until soft peaks form. Note: You can also whisk by hand but it will take longer than it took for Harry to realize Snape wasn't a LONG time.
  • Now here's my not so special secret. The topping to drink ratio has to be like 100 to 1. You have to add a LOT of the marshmallow topping or else you will be attacked by an overwhelming taste of Vanilla. If that's what you're into then don't let me stop you. But I like it when the topping kind of dilutes the sweetness of the drink. So if you're making this for a party, like I was, then you should serve  the butterbeer in mini cups. If you're going for a more accurate butterbeer feel just serve it in a mug. 


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