Top 10 Harry Potter Insults

This list is for the rare occasion that you find a Potterhead that you don't like. Most Potterheads tend to bond over their shared love of the Wizarding World but, it is possible to find someone who just rubs you the wrong way. ( I use them for all the Housist* Potterheads out there) But instead of being a NORMAL person who would use regular insults, you will be able to insult them with these hilarious Harry Potter insults. 

1. Even Dobby...Wouldn't touch your socks.

2. The Cruciatus curse is less painful than looking at your outfit.

3. When you encounter a boggart... does it turn into a mirror.

4. I should've taken some Felix Felicis this morning, then maybe I wouldn't have seen you.

5. Not even the Hufflepuffs want you.

6. I can tell you didn't get an O.W.L. in Transfiguration or you would have done something about your face. 

7. Honey, if you gave that shirt to a house elf they would give it back. 

8. Whenever someone says something nice about you, my Sneakoscope starts whistling.

9. Do you have Spattergroit? Or do you always look like that? 

10. I bet the room of requirement would just supply you with a paper bag.

Note: These are all in good fun and should be used at your own risk (Potterhead fights can become veeerrryyyy dangerous)

* Someone who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other houses, or who believes that a particular house is superior to another. 


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