DIY Dragon Eggs

If you're as dragon obsessed as I am then you will love these dragon egg crafts. I chose to make my dragon eggs resemble the eggs from the Tri-wizard Tournament (Including the golden egg) but you can make your dragon eggs look however you want. Some steps may vary depending on what dragon breeds you're going for but basically its the same thing. And at this point, especially if you're not a harry Potter fan, you're probably really confused why anyone would be this obsessed with dragon eggs that they would even think about the breed. All I can say is...yeah its weird but you're still reading this so what does that say about you. So if you're still here out of genuine interest then by all means have fun!


  • 5 Styrofoam Easter eggs (any size)
  • Air dry clay
  • Whatever colors of acrylic paint that you want (But if you're following my examples then you will need gray, white, black, red, gold, pink, blue, brown, and green)
  • Mod podge or sealant spray
  • Sharpie
Note: Your dragon eggs could literally look like anything and could use many different materials but these are just what I used

   Hungarian Horntail:

  1. Cover the Styrofoam egg with clay and smooth it down until its almost completely smooth
  2. Wait for it to dry 
  3. Once dry, paint it with different shades of gray 
  4. Let dry and repeat step 3 a few more times until you like what it looks like
  5.  Once the paint is dry paint on a layer of mod podge 

   Chinese Fire Ball:

  1. Make little pointy scales and layer them on the egg from top to bottom
  2. Wait for the egg to dry
  3. Paint the egg red the paint the tips of the scales gold
  4. Once the paint is dry paint on a layer of mod podge 

   Swedish Short-Snout:

  1. Make little round scales and layer them on the egg from top to bottom
  2. Wait for the egg to dry
  3. Paint the egg white and paint the edges of the scales with a blue-ish pink tinge
  4. Once the paint is dry paint on a layer of mod podge 

   Common Welsh Green:

  1. Layer on some clay to make the egg a little bigger than the other eggs
  2. Wait for clay to dry
  3. Paint the egg brown 
  4. Then paint some green on mixed with brown
  5. While the paint is still wet-ish smudge the paint so that the original color of the paint shows through

   Golden Egg:

  1. Cover the Styrofoam egg with clay and smooth it down until its almost completely
  2. Paint the egg gold
  3. Repeat step 2 a few times
  4. Use a sharpie to draw on the markings from the Triwizard egg (you can see the markings online)


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